



What is Styrofoam?

Styrofoam is also known as Plastic #6 and Expanded Polystyrene Foam. Styrofoam is a type of plastic product, so it is petroleum based meaning it is made from oil.

How long does it take for Styrofoam decompose
  1. Styrofoam does not decompose in the environment under normal circumstances. Much like plastic, Styrofoam is made from a polystyrene-based petroleum product that is not biodegradable. Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, and Styrofoam takes much longer because it is a stronger form of plastic.
  2. It is said that Styrofoam does not decompose because the polymer beads that comprise it are resistant to photolysis ( process by which molecules are broken down into smaller units through the absorption of light). It is harmful to the environment because it requires hydroflourocarbons that negatively impact the ozone layer and because it uses up limited stores of petroleum. During the manufacturing process, Styrofoam releases chemicals that can cause headache, depression, weakness, fatigue and adverse kidney effects.
  3. A decomposition comparison between Styrofoam other to other items
    Vegetables: 5 days –1 month
    Glass bottles: 1 million years
    Plastic bottles: 500 years or more
    Plastic bags: 10 to 1000 years


Is it safe to eat on Styrofoam?

Polystyrene foam contain styrene – a chemical compound that is increasingly suspect. … Styrene isn’t known to leach out of hard plastics, but some evidence suggests that it can leach out of foam food containers and cups when food or drinks are hot – not when they’re cold.

Is Styrofoam toxic?

  • Styrene: A petroleum byproduct that can be found in plastics, resins, and Styrofoam. It is a toxic chemical that is used to create polystyrene. … Styrofoam: This is actually “extruded polystyrene foam,” (EPS) but we just call it Styrofoam.
  • Polystyrene contains the toxic substances Styrene and Benzene, suspected carcinogens and neurotoxins that are hazardous to humans. Hot foods and liquids actually start a partial breakdown of the Styrofoam, causing some toxins to be absorbed into our bloodstream and tissue.

Is Styrofoam a health risk?

Any Chemical that leaches into your food can cause adverse health risks. Styrofoam is made from the plastic polystyrene, which is based on the building blocks called styrene monomers. When you drink your steaming cup of coffee or tea, or spoon your chicken or corn soup, or hot curry out of a Styrofoam cup or container, you also take in small doses of chemicals that leach from it.

What happens when you burn Styrofoam?

  • The burning of polystyrene releases styrene gas which can effect the nervous system. Also, as it usually burns with a sooty flame, this indicates combustion isn’t complete and a complex mixture of toxic chemicals can be produced by the relatively low temperature of a backyard burn.
  • When styrofoam is burned, carbon monoxide is released into the air. … At it’s best, exposure to carbon monoxide can cause fainting, dizziness and nausea. At it’s worst exposure can be fatal. Carbon monoxide is one of the most dangerous chemicals to be released as a result of burning polystyrene.
    Is it safe to burn Styrofoam

Is Styrofoam bad?

Styrofoam isn’t just bad for the environment; it’s bad for your health. A lot of people assume that Styrofoam must be safe since it’s often what our takeaway comes in… wrong! Styrene (a component of polystyrene) is a harmful chemical that can leech into food and drink

Can Styrofoam hurt you if eaten?

Styrofoam is NOT TOXIC people when handling. The concern over Styrofoam is if for instance a child eats large pieces. The body does not break it down and it can cause either choking or if they don’t choke it can cause an obstruction in their stomachs.

What if my dog eat Styrofoam?

While Styrofoam insulation isn’t considered toxic to your dog if he/she ingests it, it can be a choking hazard, warns the Partnership for Animal Welfare. Depending on the amount of Styrofoam your pup has ingested, it could lead to a potentially fatal intestinal blockage, according to the Dog Breed Info Center.

Is Styrofoam good for any use?

Styrofoam is a good insulator because the plastic foam contains billions of trapped gas bubbles. Gases hinder heat conduction because their molecules are very far apart making it difficult for other molecules to collide with them. When molecules DO collide, they either give or take away energy.

Can Styrofoam absorb water?

Although it is a closed-cell foam, both expanded and extruded polystyrene are not entirely waterproof or vaporproof. … If the water freezes into ice, it expands and can cause polystyrene pellets to break off from the foam.

Can you microwave Styrofoam to go boxes?

Most of us have heard this before, but just in case a few of you are still reheating your take out in these containers, keep this in mind: styrofoam is a type of plastic. And plastic doesn’t play nice in the microwave — unless otherwise marked on the container.

Avoid any health and environment risks associated with Styrofoam by using Eco-friendly products.