Government approves ban of Styrofoam in T&T by 2019

Speaking at the Caroni Bird Sanctuary on Thursday afternoon, Planning Minister Camille Robinson-Regis says the plan to ban was approved by Cabinet approximately two weeks ago. 

She says local polystyrene manufacturers have been given time to make their products environmentally friendly, so they won’t be left behind economically.

In the meantime, the Minister says the importation of “Styrofoam” products into the country will be banned.

Ministry of Planning and Development

In addition to the planned ban, Government is also pushing citizens to begin recycling other waste such as PET plastic bottles, drink cartons, aluminium cans and glass bottles.

The phasing out of polystyrene foam products has already begun in Tobago, after the THA passed a motion to do so last year.

Within the Caribbean region, Dominica announced yesterday that in 2019 it will ban Styrofoam cups and containers as well as plastic plates, cups, cutlery and straws.

Ministry of Planning and Development